Source code for Environment.plotsettings

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" plotsettings: use it like this, in the Environment folder:

>>> import sys; sys.path.insert(0, '..')
>>> from .plotsettings import BBOX_INCHES, signature, maximizeWindow, palette, makemarkers, add_percent_formatter, wraptext, wraplatex, legend, show_and_save, nrows_ncols
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.9"

from textwrap import wrap
import os.path

import matplotlib as mpl
# mpl.use('Agg')  # XXX is it a good idea? Nope, use "export MPLBACKEND='Agg'" in your bashrc ... Cf. and
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick

import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns

# Customize here if you want a signature on the titles or xlabel, of each plot
from datetime import datetime
import locale  # See this bug,
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'C')
monthyear = "{:%b.%Y}".format(  #: Month.Year date

from os import getenv

# Backup figure objects
from pickle import dump as pickle_dump

if getenv('DEBUG', 'False') == 'True':
    signature = "\n(By Lilian Besson, {}, cf. - MIT Licensed)".format(monthyear)  #: A small string to use as a signature
    signature = ""

DPI = 120  #: DPI to use for the figures
# FIGSIZE = (19.80, 10.80)  #: Figure size, in inches!
FIGSIZE = (16, 9)  #: Figure size, in inches!
# FIGSIZE = (12.4, 7)  #: Figure size, in inches!
# FIGSIZE = (8, 6)  #: Figure size, in inches!
# FIGSIZE = (8, 4.5)  #: Figure size, in inches!

# Customize the colormap
HLS = True  #: Use the HLS mapping, or HUSL mapping
VIRIDIS = False  #: Use the Viridis colormap

# Bbox in inches. Only the given portion of the figure is saved. If 'tight', try to figure out the tight bbox of the figure.
BBOX_INCHES = "tight"  #: Use this parameter for bbox

if __name__ != '__main__':
    # use a clever color palette, eg
    sns.set(context="talk", style="whitegrid", palette="hls" if HLS else "husl", font="sans-serif", font_scale=0.95)

    # Use tex by default
    # mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True  # XXX force use of LaTeX
    mpl.rcParams[''] = "sans-serif"
    mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = "DejaVu Sans"
    mpl.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = "cm"
    mpl.rcParams['mathtext.rm'] = "serif"

    # Configure size for axes and x and y labels
    # Cf.
    mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize']  = "small"
    mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = "x-small"
    mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = "x-small"
    mpl.rcParams['figure.titlesize'] = "small"

    # Configure the DPI of all images, once and for all!
    mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = DPI
    # print(" - Setting dpi of all figures to", DPI, "...")  # DEBUG

    # Configure figure size, even of if saved directly and not displayed, use HD screen
    # cf.
    mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = FIGSIZE
    # print(" - Setting 'figsize' of all figures to", FIGSIZE, "...")  # DEBUG

    # XXX Set up a discrete version of the Viridis map for axes.prop_cycle

[docs]def palette(nb, hls=HLS, viridis=VIRIDIS): """ Use a smart palette from seaborn, for nb different plots on the same figure. - Ref: >>> palette(10, hls=True) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [(0.86..., 0.37..., 0.33...), (0.86...,.65..., 0.33...), (0.78..., 0.86...,.33...), (0.49..., 0.86...,.33...), (0.33..., 0.86...,.46...), (0.33..., 0.86...,.74...), (0.33..., 0.68..., 0.86...) (0.33..., 0.40..., 0.86...) (0.56..., 0.33..., 0.86...) (0.84..., 0.33..., 0.86...)] >>> palette(10, hls=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [[0.96..., 0.44..., 0.53...], [0.88..., 0.52..., 0.19...], [0.71..., 0.60..., 0.19...], [0.54..., 0.65..., 0.19...], [0.19..., 0.69..., 0.34...], [0.20..., 0.68..., 0.58...],[0.21..., 0.67..., 0.69...], [0.22..., 0.65..., 0.84...], [0.55..., 0.57..., 0.95...], [0.85..., 0.44..., 0.95...]] >>> palette(10, viridis=True) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [(0.28..., 0.13..., 0.44...), (0.26..., 0.24..., 0.52...), (0.22..., 0.34..., 0.54...), (0.17..., 0.43..., 0.55...), (0.14..., 0.52..., 0.55...), (0.11..., 0.60..., 0.54...), (0.16..., 0.69..., 0.49...), (0.31..., 0.77..., 0.41...), (0.52..., 0.83..., 0.28...), (0.76..., 0.87..., 0.13...)] - To visualize: >>> sns.palplot(palette(10, hls=True)) # doctest: +SKIP >>> sns.palplot(palette(10, hls=False)) # use HUSL by default # doctest: +SKIP >>> sns.palplot(palette(10, viridis=True)) # doctest: +SKIP """ if viridis: return sns.color_palette('viridis', nb) else: return sns.hls_palette(nb + 1)[:nb] if hls else sns.husl_palette(nb + 1)[:nb]
[docs]def makemarkers(nb): """ Give a list of cycling markers. See .. note:: This what I consider the *optimal* sequence of markers, they are clearly differentiable one from another and all are pretty. Examples: >>> makemarkers(7) ['o', 'D', 'v', 'p', '<', 's', '^'] >>> makemarkers(12) ['o', 'D', 'v', 'p', '<', 's', '^', '*', 'h', '>', 'o', 'D'] """ allmarkers = ['o', 'D', 'v', 'p', '<', 's', '^', '*', 'h', '>'] longlist = allmarkers * (1 + int(nb / float(len(allmarkers)))) # Cycle the good number of time return longlist[:nb] # Truncate
#: Default parameter for legend(): if True, the legend is placed at the right side of the figure, not on it. #: This is almost mandatory for plots with more than 10 algorithms (good for experimenting, bad for publications). PUTATRIGHT = True PUTATRIGHT = False #: Shrink factor if the legend is displayed on the right of the plot. #: #: .. warning:: I still don't really understand how this works. Just manually decrease if the legend takes more space (i.e., more algorithms with longer names) SHRINKFACTOR = 0.60 SHRINKFACTOR = 0.65 SHRINKFACTOR = 0.70 SHRINKFACTOR = 0.75 #: Default parameter for maximum number of label to display in the legend INSIDE the figure MAXNBOFLABELINFIGURE = 8
[docs]def legend(putatright=PUTATRIGHT, fontsize="xx-small", shrinkfactor=SHRINKFACTOR, maxnboflabelinfigure=MAXNBOFLABELINFIGURE, fig=None, title=None ): """plt.legend() with good options, cf. - It can place the legend to the right also, see """ try: len_leg = len(plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels()[1]) putatright = len_leg > maxnboflabelinfigure if len_leg > maxnboflabelinfigure: print("Warning: forcing to use putatright = {} because there is {} items in the legend.".format(putatright, len_leg)) # DEBUG except (ValueError, AttributeError, IndexError) as e: # print(" e =", e) # DEBUG pass if fig is None: # fig = plt.gcf() fig = plt # HACK if putatright: try: # Shrink current axis by 20% on xaxis and 10% on yaxis delta_rect = (1. - shrinkfactor)/6.25 # XXX rect = [left, bottom, right, top] in normalized (0, 1) figure coordinates. fig.tight_layout(rect=[delta_rect, delta_rect, shrinkfactor, 1 - 2*delta_rect]) # Put a legend to the right of the current axis fig.legend(loc='center left', numpoints=1, fancybox=True, framealpha=0.8, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), title=title, fontsize=fontsize) except: fig.legend(loc='best', numpoints=1, fancybox=True, framealpha=0.8, title=title, fontsize=fontsize) else: fig.legend(loc='best', numpoints=1, fancybox=True, framealpha=0.8, title=title, fontsize=fontsize)
[docs]def maximizeWindow(): """ Experimental function to try to maximize a plot. - Tries as well as possible to maximize the figure. - Cf. .. warning:: This function is still experimental, but "it works on my machine" so I keep it. """ # # plt.tight_layout() figManager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() try: figManager.window.showMaximized() except Exception: try: figManager.frame.Maximize(True) except Exception: try: figManager.window.state('zoomed') # works fine on Windows! except Exception: try: figManager.full_screen_toggle() except Exception: print(" Note: Unable to maximize window...")
# #: List of formats to use for saving the figures, by default. #: It is a smart idea to save in both a raster and vectorial formats FORMATS = ('png', 'pdf') # FORMATS = ('png', 'pdf', 'eps') # FORMATS = ('png', 'pdf', 'eps', 'svg')
[docs]def show_and_save(showplot=True, savefig=None, formats=FORMATS, pickleit=False, fig=None): """ Maximize the window if need to show it, save it if needed, and then show it or close it. - Inspired by """ if showplot: maximizeWindow() if savefig is not None: if pickleit and fig is not None: form = "pickle" path = "{}.{}".format(savefig, form) print("Saving raw figure with format {}, to file '{}'...".format(form, path)) # DEBUG with open(path, "bw") as f: pickle_dump(fig, f) print(" Saved! '{}' created of size '{}b', at '{:%c}' ...".format(path, os.path.getsize(path), datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getatime(path)))) for form in formats: path = "{}.{}".format(savefig, form) print("Saving figure with format {}, to file '{}'...".format(form, path)) # DEBUG try: plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches=BBOX_INCHES) print(" Saved! '{}' created of size '{}b', at '{:%c}' ...".format(path, os.path.getsize(path), datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getatime(path)))) except Exception as exc: print("Error: could not save current figure to {} because of error {}... Skipping!".format(path, exc)) # DEBUG try: if showplot else plt.close() except (TypeError, AttributeError): print("Failed to show the figure for some unknown reason...") # DEBUG
[docs]def add_percent_formatter(which="xaxis", amplitude=1.0, oldformatter="%.2g%%", formatter="{x:.1%}"): """ Small function to use a Percentage formatter for xaxis or yaxis, of a certain amplitude. - which can be "xaxis" or "yaxis", - amplitude is a float, default to 1. - More detail at - Not that the use of matplotlib.ticker.PercentFormatter require matplotlib >= 2.0.1 - But if not available, use matplotlib.ticker.StrMethodFormatter("{:.0%}") instead """ # Which axis to use ? if which == "xaxis": ax = plt.axes().xaxis elif which == "yaxis": ax = plt.axes().yaxis else: raise ValueError("Unknown value '{}' for 'which' in function add_percent_formatter() : only xaxis,yaxis are accepted...".format(which)) # Which formatter to use ? try: my_frmt = mtick.StrMethodFormatter(formatter) # Use new format string except Exception: my_frmt = mtick.FormatStrFormatter(oldformatter) # Use old format string, better looking but not correctly scaled if hasattr(mtick, 'PercentFormatter'): my_frmt = mtick.PercentFormatter(amplitude) # Use it! ax.set_major_formatter(my_frmt)
#: Default value for the ``width`` parameter for :func:`wraptext` and :func:`wraplatex`. WIDTH = 95
[docs]def wraptext(text, width=WIDTH): """ Wrap the text, using ``textwrap`` module, and ``width``.""" return "\n".join(wrap(text, width=width))
[docs]def wraplatex(text, width=WIDTH): """ Wrap the text, for LaTeX, using ``textwrap`` module, and ``width``.""" return "$\n$".join(wrap(text, width=width))
[docs]def nrows_ncols(N): """Return (nrows, ncols) to create a subplots for N plots of the good size. >>> for N in range(1, 22): ... nrows, ncols = nrows_ncols(N) ... print("For N = {:>2}, {} rows and {} cols are enough.".format(N, nrows, ncols)) For N = 1, 1 rows and 1 cols are enough. For N = 2, 2 rows and 1 cols are enough. For N = 3, 2 rows and 2 cols are enough. For N = 4, 2 rows and 2 cols are enough. For N = 5, 3 rows and 2 cols are enough. For N = 6, 3 rows and 2 cols are enough. For N = 7, 3 rows and 3 cols are enough. For N = 8, 3 rows and 3 cols are enough. For N = 9, 3 rows and 3 cols are enough. For N = 10, 4 rows and 3 cols are enough. For N = 11, 4 rows and 3 cols are enough. For N = 12, 4 rows and 3 cols are enough. For N = 13, 4 rows and 4 cols are enough. For N = 14, 4 rows and 4 cols are enough. For N = 15, 4 rows and 4 cols are enough. For N = 16, 4 rows and 4 cols are enough. For N = 17, 5 rows and 4 cols are enough. For N = 18, 5 rows and 4 cols are enough. For N = 19, 5 rows and 4 cols are enough. For N = 20, 5 rows and 4 cols are enough. For N = 21, 5 rows and 5 cols are enough. """ nrows = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(N))) ncols = N // nrows while N > nrows * ncols: ncols += 1 nrows, ncols = max(nrows, ncols), min(nrows, ncols) return nrows, ncols
[docs]def addTextForWorstCases(ax, n, bins, patches, rate=0.85, normed=False, fontsize=8): """Add some text labels to the patches of an histogram, for the last 'rate'%. Use it like this, to add labels for the bins in the 65% largest values n:: >>> n, bins, patches = plt.hist(...) >>> addTextForWorstCases(ax, n, bins, patches, rate=0.65) """ # DONE add an automatic detection of the cases where a regret was found to not be O(log(T)) to display on the histogram the count of bad cases assert 0 <= rate <= 1, "Error: 'rate' = {:.3g} should be in [0, 1].".format(rate) # DEBUG if not isinstance(n, list) and not isinstance(n, np.ndarray): n = [n] if hasattr(patches, 'patches'): # assert isinstance(patches, mpl.container.BarContainer) # DEBUG patches = patches.patches if not isinstance(patches, list): patches = [patches] max_x = max(p.xy[0] for p in patches) for nx, p in zip(n, patches): text = "{:.3%}".format(nx) if normed else "{:.3g}".format(nx) x, y = p.xy[0], 1.015 * nx # 1.5% higher than the top of the patch rectangle # Simple detection can be if a box is for a regret larger than some fraction of T if nx > 0 and x > (rate * max_x): # print("Writing text =", text, "at x =", x, "and y =", y) # DEBUG ax.text(x, y, text, fontsize=fontsize)
[docs]def myviolinplot(*args, nonsymmetrical=False, **kwargs): try: return sns.violinplot(*args, nonsymmetrical=nonsymmetrical, cut=0, inner="stick", **kwargs) except (TypeError, NameError): return sns.violinplot(*args, cut=0, inner="stick", **kwargs)
[docs]def violin_or_box_plot(data=None, labels=None, boxplot=False, **kwargs): """ Automatically add labels to a box or violin plot. .. warning:: Requires pandas ( to add the xlabel for violin plots. """ if boxplot: return plt.boxplot(data, labels=labels, showmeans=True, meanline=True, **kwargs) if labels is not None: try: import pandas as pd dict_of_data = { label: column for label, column in zip(labels, data) } df = pd.DataFrame(dict_of_data) return myviolinplot(nonsymmetrical="left", data=df, orient="v", **kwargs) except ImportError: return violin_or_box_plot(data, boxplot=boxplot, **kwargs) return myviolinplot(nonsymmetrical="left", data=data, orient="v", **kwargs)
MAX_NB_OF_LABELS = 50 #: If more than MAX_NB_OF_LABELS labels have to be displayed on a boxplot, don't put a legend.
[docs]def adjust_xticks_subplots(ylabel=None, labels=(), maxNbOfLabels=MAX_NB_OF_LABELS): """Adjust the size of the xticks, and maybe change size of ylabel. - See """ if len(labels) >= maxNbOfLabels: return max_length_of_labels = max([len(label) for label in labels]) locs, xticks_labels = plt.xticks() # XXX don't name xticks_labels, labels or it erases the argument of the function and labels are not correctly displayed. plt.xticks(locs, labels, rotation=80, verticalalignment="top", fontsize="xx-small") if max_length_of_labels >= 50: plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=max_length_of_labels/135.0) if ylabel is not None: plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize="x-small") else: plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=max_length_of_labels/90.0)
[docs]def table_to_latex(mean_data, std_data=None, labels=None, fmt_function=None, name_of_table=None, filename=None, erase_output=False, *args, **kwargs ): """ Tries to print the data from the input array or collection of array or :class:`pandas.DataFrame` to the stdout and to the file ``filename`` (if it does not exist). - Give ``std_data`` to print ``mean +- std`` instead of just ``mean`` from ``mean_data``, - Give a list to ``labels`` to use a header of the table, - Give a formatting function to ``fmt_function``, like :func:`IPython.core.magics.execution._format_time` to print running times, or :func:`memory_consumption.sizeof_fmt` to print memory usages, or ``lambda s: "{:.3g}".format(s)`` to print ``float`` values (default), - Uses :func:`tabulate.tabulate` ( or :func:`pandas.DataFrame.to_latex` ( .. warning:: FIXME this is still experimental! And useless, most of the time we simply do a copy/paste from the terminal to the LaTeX in the article... """ if fmt_function is None: fmt_function = lambda s: "{:.3g}".format(s) output_string = None input_data = mean_data if std_data is not None: format_data = np.vectorize(lambda xi, yi: r"{} \pm {}".format(fmt_function(xi), fmt_function(yi))) input_data = format_data(mean_data, std_data) else: format_data = np.vectorize(fmt_function) input_data = format_data(mean_data) print("Using input_data of shape = {} and size = {}\n{}".format(np.shape(input_data), np.size(input_data), input_data)) # DEBUG # 1. try with pandas module try: import pandas as pd if labels is not None: df = pd.DataFrame(input_data, columns=labels) else: df = pd.DataFrame(input_data) output_string = df.to_latex(*args, **kwargs) except ImportError: print("Error: the pandas module is not available, install it with 'pip install pandas' or 'conda install pandas'.") # DEBUG # 2. if pandas failed, try with tabulate if output_string is None: try: import tabulate if labels is not None: output_string = tabulate.tabulate(input_data, tablefmt="latex_raw", headers=labels, *args, **kwargs) else: output_string = tabulate.tabulate(input_data, tablefmt="latex_raw", *args, **kwargs) except ImportError: print("Error: the tabulate module is not available, install it with 'pip install tabulate' or 'conda install tabulate'.") # DEBUG if filename is not None and not erase_output and os.path.exists(filename): print("Error: the file named '{}' already exists, and option 'erase_output' is False.".format(filename)) return -1 if name_of_table is not None: output_string = r"""%% LaTeX code for a table, produced by SMPyBandits.Environment.plotsetting.table_to_latex() \begin{table} %s \caption{%s} \end{table}""" % (output_string, name_of_table) print("\nThe data from object (shape = {} and size = {}) can be pretty printed in a LaTeX table looking like this one:".format(np.shape(input_data), np.size(input_data))) # DEBUG print(output_string) if filename is not None: print("\nThe data from object (shape = {} and size = {}) will be saved to the file {}...".format(np.shape(input_data), np.size(input_data), filename)) # DEBUG with open(filename, 'w') as open_file: print(output_string, file=open_file) return 0
# --- Debugging if __name__ == "__main__": # Code for debugging purposes. from doctest import testmod print("\nTesting automatically all the docstring written in each functions of this module :") testmod(verbose=True)