Source code for Policies.Experimentals.UnsupervisedLearning

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
r""" An experimental "on-line" policy, using algorithms from Unsupervised Learning.

Basically, it works like this:

- Start with a purely random exploration phase (uniform exploration), to get some data about each arm,
- Then, fit some unsupervised learning model on each arm, to build a model of its distribution (e.g., a simple Gaussian, with mean and variance obtained from the data).
- And then, at each time step, use the models to generate some prediction for the output of each arm, and play according to the arm with highest prediction.

    + If needed, refit the models once in a while, to incorporate all the collected data.
    + If needed, use a robust estimate (e.g., mean of 100 samples) to choose the arm to play, instead of only *one* sample.

.. warning:: This is still **experimental**! It is NOT efficient in terms of storage, and NOT efficient either in terms of efficiency against a Bandit problem (i.e., regret, best arm identification etc).
.. warning:: It is NOT really an on-line policy, as both the memory consumption and the time complexity of each step *increase* with time!

This module provides also two simple Unsupervised Learning algorithm, :class:`SimpleGaussianA` and :class:`SimpleBernoulliKernel`, see below.
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.6"

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as st

# Cf.
    from sklearn.neighbors.kde import KernelDensity
except ImportError as e:
    print("ERROR: the 'scikit-learn' package is mandatory for UnsupervisedLearning policy.\nInstall it with 'pip install sklearn' or 'sudo pip install sklearn' (or maybe 'pip3').")  # WARNING
    raise e

# --- Unsupervised fitting models

[docs]class FittingModel(object): """ Base class for any fitting model"""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Nothing to do here.""" pass
[docs] def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs] def fit(self, data): """ Nothing to do here.""" return self
[docs] def sample(self, shape=1): """ Always 0., for instance.""" return 0.
[docs] def score_samples(self, data): """ Always 1., for instance.""" return 1.
[docs] def score(self, data): """ Log likelihood of the point (or the vector of data), under the current Gaussian model.""" return np.log(np.sum(self.score_samples(data)))
[docs]class SimpleGaussianKernel(FittingModel): """ Basic Unsupervised Learning algorithm, which simply fits a 1D Gaussian on some 1D data. - It works quite well, for Gaussian as well as Constant, Uniform and Bernoulli arms. - It fails (more or less) dramatically on Exponential, Binomial and Poisson arms. >>> K = SimpleGaussianKernel(loc=0.5, scale=0.1) >>> K N(0.5, 0.1) >>> data = [0.33, 0.34, 0.40, 0.37] >>> N(0.36, 0.0274) >>> np.random.seed(0) # reproducibility >>> K.sample() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.4083... >>> np.mean(K.sample((100, 100))) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.3594... """
[docs] def __init__(self, loc=0., scale=1., *args, **kwargs): r""" Starts with :math:`\mathcal{N}(0, 1)`, by default.""" self.loc = float(loc) self.scale = float(scale)
[docs] def __str__(self): return "N({:.3g}, {:.3g})".format(self.loc, self.scale)
[docs] def fit(self, data): """ Use the mean and variance from the 1D vector data (of shape `n_samples` or `(n_samples, 1)`).""" self.loc, self.scale = np.mean(data), np.std(data) return self
[docs] def sample(self, shape=1): """ Return one or more sample, from the current Gaussian model.""" if shape == 1: return np.random.normal(self.loc, self.scale) else: return np.random.normal(self.loc, self.scale, shape)
[docs] def score_samples(self, data): """ Likelihood of the point (or the vector of data), under the current Gaussian model, component-wise.""" return st.bernoulli.pdf(data, loc=self.loc, scale=np.sqrt(self.scale))
[docs]class SimpleBernoulliKernel(FittingModel): """ Basic Unsupervised Learning algorithm, which simply fits a 1D Bernoulli distribution on some 1D data. - It works quite well, for Bernoulli as well as Constant arms. - It fails (more or less) dramatically on Gaussian, Uniform, Exponential, Binomial and Poisson arms. >>> K = SimpleBernoulliKernel(lower=0, amplitude=1) >>> 0.5 >>> data = [0.33, 0.34, 0.40, 0.37] >>> B(0.36) >>> np.random.seed(0) # reproducibility >>> K.sample() 0.0 >>> np.mean(K.sample((100, 100))) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.3619... """
[docs] def __init__(self, p=None, *args, **kwargs): r""" Starts with :math:`\mathcal{B}(\mu)`, where :math:`\mu = p` or :math:`\mu = \mathrm{lower} + \mathrm{amplitude} / 2`, by default.""" self.lower = float(lower) #: Known lower bounds on the rewards. self.amplitude = float(amplitude) #: Known amplitude of the rewards. = p if p is not None else self.lower + (self.amplitude / 2.0) #: Mean of the Bernoulli arm.
[docs] def __str__(self): return "B({:.3g})".format(
[docs] def fit(self, data): """ Use the mean and variance from the 1D vector data (of shape `n_samples` or `(n_samples, 1)`).""" assert np.min(data) >= self.lower, "Error: some point in this data is not >= {:.3g} (known lower bound on the rewards).".format(self.lower) # DEBUG assert np.max(data) <= self.amplitude - self.lower, "Error: some point in this data is not <= {:.3g} (known upper bound on the rewards).".format(self.amplitude - self.lower) # DEBUG data = (np.asarray(data) - self.lower) / self.amplitude = np.nanmean(data) return self
[docs] def sample(self, shape=1): """ Return one or more sample, from the current Bernoulli model.""" if shape == 1: obs = np.asarray(np.random.random_sample() <=, dtype=float) else: obs = np.asarray(np.random.random_sample(shape) <=, dtype=float) return self.lower + self.amplitude * obs
[docs] def score_samples(self, data): """ Likelihood of the point (or the vector of data), under the current Bernoulli model, component-wise.""" data = (np.asarray(data) - self.lower) / self.amplitude return st.bernoulli.pmf(data, loc=self.mean)
# --- Decision Making Policy T0 = 100 #: Default value for the parameter `T_0`. FIT_EVERY = 1000 #: Default value for the parameter `fit_every`. MEAN_OF = 100 #: Default value for the parameter `meanOf`.
[docs]class UnsupervisedLearning(object): r""" Generic policy using an Unsupervised Learning algorithm, for instance from scikit-learn. - By default, it uses a [KernelDensity]( estimator. .. warning:: This is still **experimental**! .. note:: The algorithm I designed is not obvious, but here are some explanations: - Initially : create :math:`K` Unsupervised Learning algorithms :math:`\mathcal{U}_k(0)`, :math:`k\in\{1,\dots,K\}`, for instance `KernelDensity` estimators. - For the first :math:`K \times T_0` time steps, each arm :math:`k \in \{1, \dots, K\}` is sampled exactly :math:`T_0` times, to get a lot of initial observations for each arm. - With these first :math:`T_0` (e.g., :math:`50`) observations, train a first version of the Unsupervised Learning algorithms :math:`\mathcal{U}_k(t)`, :math:`k\in\{1,\dots,K\}`. - Then, for the following time steps, :math:`t \geq T_0 + 1` : + Once in a while (every :math:`T_1 =` `fit_every` steps, e.g., :math:`100`), retrain all the Unsupervised Learning algorithms : - For each arm :math:`k\in\{1,\dots,K\}`, - Use all the previous observations of that arm to train the model :math:`\mathcal{U}_k(t)`. + Otherwise, use the previously trained model to choose the arm :math:`A(t) \in \{1,\dots,K\}` to play next (see :meth:`choice` below). """
[docs] def __init__(self, nbArms, estimator=SimpleGaussianKernel, # estimator=KernelDensity, T_0=T0, fit_every=FIT_EVERY, meanOf=MEAN_OF, lower=0., amplitude=1., # not used, but needed for my framework *args, **kwargs): """ Create a new UnsupervisedLearning policy.""" self.nbArms = nbArms #: Number of arms of the MAB problem. self.t = -1 #: Current time. T_0 = int(T_0) self.T_0 = int(max(1, T_0)) #: Number of random exploration of each arm at the beginning. self.fit_every = int(fit_every) #: Frequency of refit of the unsupervised models. self.meanOf = int(meanOf) #: Number of samples used to estimate the best arm. # Unsupervised Learning algorithm self._was_fitted = False self.givenEstimator = estimator #: The class to use to create the estimator. self._estimator = estimator # The class to use to create the estimator. self._args = args # Other non-kwargs args given to the estimator. self._kwargs = kwargs # Other kwargs given to the estimator. self.ests = [self._estimator(*self._args, **self._kwargs) for _ in range(nbArms)] #: List of estimators (i.e., an object with a `fit` and `sample` method). # Store all the observations self.observations = [[] for _ in range(nbArms)] #: List of observations for each arm. This is the main weakness of this policy: it uses a **linear** storage space, in the number of observations so far (i.e., the time index t), in other words it has a **linear memory complexity** : that's really bad! self.lower = lower #: Known lower bounds on the rewards. self.amplitude = amplitude #: Known amplitude of the rewards.
# --- Easy methods
[docs] def __str__(self): return "UnsupervisedLearning({.__name__}, $T_0={}$, $T_1={}$, $M={}$)".format(self._estimator, self.T_0, self.fit_every, self.meanOf)
[docs] def startGame(self): """ Reinitialize the estimators.""" self.t = -1 self.ests = [self._estimator(*self._args, **self._kwargs) for _ in range(self.nbArms)]
[docs] def getReward(self, armId, reward): """ Store this observation `reward` for that arm `armId`.""" # print(" - At time {}, we saw {} from arm {} ...".format(self.t, reward, armId)) # DEBUG self.observations[armId].append(reward)
# --- The main part of the algorithm
[docs] def choice(self): r""" Choose an arm, according to this algorithm: * If :math:`t < T_0 \times K`, choose arm :math:`t \;\mathrm{mod}\; K`, in order to select each arm exactly :math:`K` times initially. * Otherwise, get a random sample, :math:`s_k(t)` from the :math:`K` Unsupervised Learning algorithms :math:`\mathcal{U}_k(t)`, :math:`k\in\{1,\dots,K\}` : .. math:: \forall k\in\{1,\dots,K\}, \;\; s_k(t) \sim \mathcal{U}_k(t). * Choose the arm :math:`A(t)` with *highest* sample : .. math:: A(t) \in \arg\max_{k\in\{1,\dots,K\}} s_k(t). * Play that arm :math:`A(t)`, receive a reward :math:`r_{A(t)}(t)` from its (unknown) distribution, and store it. .. note:: A more robust (and so more correct) variant could be to use a bunch of samples, and use their mean to give :math:`s_k(t)` : * Get a bunch of :math:`M` random samples (e.g., :math:`50`), :math:`s_k^i(t)` from the :math:`K` Unsupervised Learning algorithms :math:`\mathcal{U}_k(t)`, :math:`k\in\{1,\dots,K\}` : .. math:: \forall k\in\{1,\dots,K\}, \;\; \forall i\in\{1,\dots,M\}, \;\; s_k^i(t) \sim \mathcal{U}_k(t). * Average them to get :math:`\hat{s_k}(t)` : .. math:: \forall k\in\{1,\dots,K\}, \;\; \hat{s_k}(t) := \frac{1}{M} \sum_{i=1}^{M} s_k^i(t). * Choose the arm :math:`A(t)` with *highest* mean sample : .. math:: A(t) \in \arg\max_{k\in\{1,\dots,K\}} \hat{s_k}(t). Note that if :math:`M = 1`, this is equivalent to the naive approach. """ self.t += 1 # Start by sampling each arm a certain number of times if self.t < self.nbArms * self.T_0: # print("- First phase: exploring arm {} at time {} ...".format(self.t % self.nbArms, self.t)) # DEBUG return self.t % self.nbArms else: # print("- Second phase: at time {} ...".format(self.t)) # DEBUG # 1. Fit the Unsupervised Learning on *all* the data observed so far # but do it once in a while only if not self._was_fitted: # print(" - Need to first fit the model of each arm with the first {} observations, now of shape {} ...".format(self.fit_every, np.shape(self.observations))) # DEBUG self._was_fitted = True elif self.t % self.fit_every == 0: # print(" - Need to refit the model of each arm with {} more observations, now of shape {} ...".format(self.fit_every, np.shape(self.observations))) # DEBUG # 2. Sample a random prediction for next output of the arms prediction = self.sample_with_mean() # exp_score = np.exp(self.score(prediction)) # Project to the simplex Delta_K, if needed # score = exp_score / np.sum(exp_score) # print(" - Got a prediction = {} and score {} ...".format(prediction, score)) # DEBUG # 3. Use this sample to select next arm to play best_arm_predicted = np.argmax(prediction) # print(" - So the best arm seems to be = {} ...".format(best_arm_predicted)) # DEBUG return best_arm_predicted
# best_arm_predicted2 = np.argmax(prediction * score) # print(" - So the best arm seems to be = {} ...".format(best_arm_predicted2)) # DEBUG # # return best_arm_predicted2 # sampled_arm = np.random.choice(self.nbArms, p=score) # print(" - And a random sample from the score was drawn as = {} ...".format(sampled_arm)) # DEBUG # return sampled_arm # --- Shortcut methods
[docs] def fit(self, data): """ Fit each of the K models, with the data accumulated up-to now.""" for armId in range(self.nbArms): # print(" - Fitting the #{} model, with observations of shape {} ...".format(armId + 1, np.shape(self.observations[armId]))) # DEBUG est = self.ests[armId][armId]).reshape(-1, 1)) self.ests[armId] = est
[docs] def sample(self): """ Return a vector of random sample from each of the K models.""" return [float(est.sample()) for est in self.ests]
[docs] def sample_with_mean(self, meanOf=None): """ Return a vector of random sample from each of the K models, by averaging a lot of samples (reduce variance).""" if meanOf is None: meanOf = self.meanOf return [float(np.mean(est.sample(meanOf))) for est in self.ests]
[docs] def score(self, obs): """ Return a vector of scores, for each of the K models on its observation.""" return [float(est.score(o)) for est, o in zip(self.ests, obs)]
# --- Other method
[docs] def estimatedOrder(self): """ Return the estimate order of the arms, as a permutation on [0..K-1] that would order the arms by increasing means.""" return np.argsort(self.sample_with_mean())