Source code for configuration_nonstationary

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Configuration for the simulations, for the piecewise stationary single-player case.
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.9"

# Tries to know number of CPU
    from multiprocessing import cpu_count
    CPU_COUNT = cpu_count()  #: Number of CPU on the local machine
except ImportError:
    CPU_COUNT = 1

from os import getenv

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("Warning: this script '' is NOT executable. Use '' or 'make single' ...")  # DEBUG

# Import arms and algorithms
    from Arms import *
    from Policies import *
except ImportError:
    from SMPyBandits.Arms import *
    from SMPyBandits.Policies import *

#: HORIZON : number of time steps of the experiments.
#: Warning Should be >= 10000 to be interesting "asymptotically".
HORIZON = 5000
HORIZON = int(getenv('T', HORIZON))

#: REPETITIONS : number of repetitions of the experiments.
#: Warning: Should be >= 10 to be statistically trustworthy.

#: To profile the code, turn down parallel computing

#: Number of jobs to use for the parallel computations. -1 means all the CPU cores, 1 means no parallelization.
N_JOBS = -1 if DO_PARALLEL else 1
if CPU_COUNT > 4:  # We are on a server, let's be nice and not use all cores
    N_JOBS = min(CPU_COUNT, max(int(CPU_COUNT / 3), CPU_COUNT - 8))
N_JOBS = int(getenv('N_JOBS', N_JOBS))

NB_BREAK_POINTS = 5  #: Number of true breakpoints. They are uniformly spaced in time steps (and the first one at t=0 does not count).

#: This dictionary configures the experiments
configuration = {
    # --- Duration of the experiment
    "horizon": HORIZON,
    # --- Number of repetition of the experiment (to have an average)
    "repetitions": REPETITIONS,
    # --- Parameters for the use of joblib.Parallel
    "n_jobs": N_JOBS,    # = nb of CPU cores
    "verbosity": 6,      # Max joblib verbosity
    # --- Random events
    "nb_break_points": NB_BREAK_POINTS,
    # --- Should we plot the lower-bounds or not?
    "plot_lowerbound": False,  # XXX Default for non stationary: we do not have a better lower bound than Lai & Robbins's.
    # --- Arms
    "environment": [],

#: Number of arms for non-hard-coded problems (Bayesian problems)
NB_ARMS = int(getenv('K', NB_ARMS))
NB_ARMS = int(getenv('NB_ARMS', NB_ARMS))

#: Default value for the lower value of means
LOWER = 0.
#: Default value for the amplitude value of means
#: Variance of Gaussian arms, if needed

#: Type of arms for non-hard-coded problems (Bayesian problems)
ARM_TYPE = "Bernoulli"
ARM_TYPE = str(getenv('ARM_TYPE', ARM_TYPE))
ARM_TYPE_str = str(ARM_TYPE)

#: Means of arms for non-hard-coded problems (non Bayesian)
MEANS = uniformMeans(nbArms=NB_ARMS, delta=0.05, lower=LOWER, amplitude=AMPLITUDE, isSorted=True)

# FIXME we cannot launch simulations on many problems in just one launch, because the oracle needs to know the change-point locations (and they change for some problems), and some algorithms need to know the number of arms for parameter selections?

PROBLEMS = [1, 2]
STR_PROBLEMS = str(getenv('PROBLEMS', '1, 2')).replace(' ', '')
PROBLEMS = [int(p) for p in STR_PROBLEMS.split(',')]

# XXX Pb -1 is purely stationary with 2 arms!
if (-1) in PROBLEMS:
    configuration["environment"] += [
        {   # A simple piece-wise stationary problem
            "arm_type": ARM_TYPE,
            "params": {
                "listOfMeans": [
                    [0.3, 0.9],
                "changePoints": [0],

# XXX Pb -1 is purely stationary with K=9 arms!
if (-2) in PROBLEMS:
    configuration["environment"] += [
        {   # A simple piece-wise stationary problem
            "arm_type": ARM_TYPE,
            "params": {
                "listOfMeans": [
                    [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9],
                "changePoints": [0],

# XXX Pb 0 changes are only on one arm at a time, only 2 arms
if 0 in PROBLEMS:
    configuration["environment"] += [
        {   # A simple piece-wise stationary problem
            "arm_type": ARM_TYPE,
            "params": {
                "listOfMeans": [
                    [0.1, 0.2],  # 0    to 399
                    [0.1, 0.3],  # 400  to 799
                    [0.5, 0.3],  # 800  to 1199
                    [0.4, 0.3],  # 1200 to 1599
                    [0.3, 0.9],  # 1600 to end
                "changePoints": [
                    int(0    * HORIZON / 2000.0),
                    int(400  * HORIZON / 2000.0),
                    int(800  * HORIZON / 2000.0),
                    int(1200 * HORIZON / 2000.0),
                    int(1600 * HORIZON / 2000.0),
                    # 20000,  # XXX larger than horizon, just to see if it is a problem?

# XXX Pb 1 changes are only on one arm at a time
if 1 in PROBLEMS:
    configuration["environment"] += [
        {   # A simple piece-wise stationary problem
            "arm_type": ARM_TYPE,
            "params": {
                "listOfMeans": [
                    [0.3, 0.5, 0.9],  # 0    to 399
                    [0.3, 0.2, 0.9],  # 400  to 799
                    [0.3, 0.2, 0.1],  # 800  to 1199
                    [0.7, 0.2, 0.1],  # 1200 to 1599
                    [0.7, 0.5, 0.1],  # 1600 to end
                "changePoints": [
                    int(0    * HORIZON / 2000.0),
                    int(400  * HORIZON / 2000.0),
                    int(800  * HORIZON / 2000.0),
                    int(1200 * HORIZON / 2000.0),
                    int(1600 * HORIZON / 2000.0),
                    # 20000,  # XXX larger than horizon, just to see if it is a problem?

# XXX Pb 2 changes are on all or almost arms at a time
if 2 in PROBLEMS:
    configuration["environment"] += [
        {   # A simple piece-wise stationary problem
            "arm_type": ARM_TYPE,
            "params": {
                "listOfMeans": [
                    [0.4, 0.5, 0.9],  # 0    to 399
                    [0.5, 0.4, 0.7],  # 400  to 799
                    [0.6, 0.3, 0.5],  # 800  to 1199
                    [0.7, 0.2, 0.3],  # 1200 to 1599
                    [0.8, 0.1, 0.1],  # 1600 to end
                "changePoints": [
                    int(0    * HORIZON / 2000.0),
                    int(400  * HORIZON / 2000.0),
                    int(800  * HORIZON / 2000.0),
                    int(1200 * HORIZON / 2000.0),
                    int(1600 * HORIZON / 2000.0),
                    # 20000,  # XXX larger than horizon, just to see if it is a problem?

# XXX Pb 3 changes are on all or almost arms at a time, from
if 3 in PROBLEMS:
    configuration["environment"] += [
        {   # A simple piece-wise stationary problem
            "arm_type": ARM_TYPE,
            "params": {
                "listOfMeans": [
                    [0.1, 0.2, 0.9],  # 0    to 999
                    [0.4, 0.9, 0.1],  # 1000 to 1999
                    [0.5, 0.1, 0.2],  # 2000 to 2999
                    [0.2, 0.2, 0.3],  # 3000 to end
                "changePoints": [
                    int(0    * HORIZON / 4000.0),
                    int(1000 * HORIZON / 4000.0),
                    int(2000 * HORIZON / 4000.0),
                    int(3000 * HORIZON / 4000.0),

# XXX Pb 4 changes are on all or almost arms at a time, but sequences don't have same length
if 4 in PROBLEMS:
    configuration["environment"] += [
        {   # A simple piece-wise stationary problem
            "arm_type": ARM_TYPE,
            "params": {
                "listOfMeans": [
                    [0.1, 0.5, 0.9],  # 1th sequence, best=3rd
                    [0.3, 0.4, 0.1],  # 2th sequence, best=2nd, DeltaMin=0.1
                    [0.5, 0.3, 0.2],  # 3th sequence, best=1st, DeltaMin=0.1
                    [0.7, 0.4, 0.3],  # 4th sequence, best=1st, DeltaMin=0.1
                    [0.1, 0.5, 0.2],  # 5th sequence, best=2nd, DeltaMin=0.1
                "changePoints": [
                    int(0    * HORIZON / 2000.0),
                    int(1000 * HORIZON / 2000.0),
                    int(1250 * HORIZON / 2000.0),
                    int(1500 * HORIZON / 2000.0),
                    int(1750 * HORIZON / 2000.0),
                    # 20000,  # XXX larger than horizon, just to see if it is a problem?

# XXX Pb 5 Example from the Yahoo! dataset, from article "Nearly Optimal Adaptive Procedure with Change Detection for Piecewise-Stationary Bandit" (M-UCB)
if 5 in PROBLEMS:
    configuration["environment"] = [
        {   # A very hard piece-wise stationary problem, with 6 arms and 9 change points
            "arm_type": ARM_TYPE,
            "params": {
                "listOfMeans": [
                    # red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, red dotted
                    [0.071, 0.041, 0.032, 0.030, 0.020, 0.011],  # 1st segment
                    [0.055, 0.053, 0.032, 0.030, 0.008, 0.011],  # 2nd segment
                    [0.040, 0.063, 0.032, 0.030, 0.008, 0.011],  # 3th segment
                    [0.040, 0.042, 0.043, 0.030, 0.008, 0.011],  # 4th segment
                    [0.030, 0.032, 0.055, 0.030, 0.008, 0.011],  # 5th segment
                    [0.030, 0.032, 0.020, 0.030, 0.008, 0.021],  # 6th segment
                    [0.020, 0.022, 0.020, 0.045, 0.008, 0.021],  # 7th segment
                    [0.020, 0.022, 0.020, 0.057, 0.008, 0.011],  # 8th segment
                    [0.020, 0.022, 0.034, 0.057, 0.022, 0.011],  # 9th segment
                "changePoints": np.linspace(0, HORIZON, num=9, endpoint=False, dtype=int),

# XXX Pb 6 Another example from the Yahoo! dataset, from article "On Abruptly-Changing and Slowly-Varying Multiarmed Bandit Problems" (SW-UCB#)
if 6 in PROBLEMS:
    configuration["environment"] = [
        {   # A very hard piece-wise stationary problem, with 5 arms and 9 change points
            "arm_type": ARM_TYPE,
            "params": {
                "listOfMeans": np.array([
                    # blue, red, golden, purple, green
                    [0.070, 0.044, 0.043, 0.029, 0.039],
                    [0.063, 0.044, 0.044, 0.029, 0.040],
                    [0.063, 0.045, 0.044, 0.028, 0.040],
                    [0.063, 0.045, 0.046, 0.028, 0.034],
                    [0.055, 0.045, 0.046, 0.028, 0.034],
                    [0.055, 0.049, 0.045, 0.024, 0.035],
                    [0.052, 0.049, 0.041, 0.024, 0.035],
                    [0.052, 0.048, 0.041, 0.020, 0.037],
                    [0.052, 0.048, 0.037, 0.020, 0.037],
                    [0.045, 0.050, 0.037, 0.020, 0.035],
                    [0.045, 0.050, 0.033, 0.018, 0.035],
                    [0.0455, 0.047, 0.033, 0.018, 0.035],
                    [0.0455, 0.047, 0.033, 0.018, 0.034],
                    [0.037, 0.042, 0.030, 0.020, 0.034],
                    [0.029, 0.032, 0.030, 0.020, 0.034],
                    [0.031, 0.026, 0.032, 0.020, 0.033],
                    [0.033, 0.026, 0.025, 0.020, 0.033],
                    [0.033, 0.035, 0.023, 0.020, 0.030],
                    [0.045, 0.038, 0.015, 0.020, 0.023],
                    [0.045, 0.038, 0.020, 0.014, 0.023],
                    [0.045, 0.038, 0.021, 0.014, 0.023],
                    [0.049, 0.042, 0.029, 0.014, 0.016],
                    [0.049, 0.042, 0.029, 0.016, 0.016],
                    [0.049, 0.042, 0.030, 0.014, 0.016],
                    [0.046, 0.040, 0.035, 0.020, 0.019],
                    [0.046, 0.040, 0.035, 0.020, 0.029],
                    [0.046, 0.040, 0.035, 0.023, 0.029],
                    [0.046, 0.037, 0.034, 0.023, 0.033],
                    [0.050, 0.037, 0.034, 0.024, 0.033],
                    [0.050, 0.040, 0.034, 0.024, 0.033],
                    [0.050, 0.040, 0.032, 0.024, 0.035],
                    [0.049, 0.040, 0.029, 0.0235, 0.035],
                    [0.049, 0.0405, 0.029, 0.0235, 0.037],
                    [0.047, 0.038, 0.0295, 0.025, 0.037],
                    [0.047, 0.038, 0.034, 0.025, 0.037],
                    [0.047, 0.041, 0.034, 0.025, 0.038],
                    [0.051, 0.041, 0.035, 0.025, 0.038],
                    [0.051, 0.040, 0.035, 0.025, 0.038],
                    [0.051, 0.038, 0.033, 0.025, 0.039],
                    [0.047, 0.038, 0.033, 0.026, 0.039],
                    [0.047, 0.035, 0.032, 0.026, 0.039],
                    [0.045, 0.033, 0.032, 0.024, 0.038],
                    [0.045, 0.030, 0.031, 0.024, 0.038],
                    [0.045, 0.027, 0.031, 0.024, 0.038],
                    [0.043, 0.027, 0.026, 0.021, 0.0375],
                    [0.043, 0.030, 0.026, 0.021, 0.0375],
                    [0.043, 0.030, 0.026, 0.021, 0.0375],
                    [0.043, 0.034, 0.025, 0.021, 0.0375],
                    [0.045, 0.034, 0.015, 0.020, 0.0375],
                    [0.045, 0.033, 0.016, 0.020, 0.036],
                    [0.043, 0.033, 0.020, 0.018, 0.036],
                    [0.043, 0.035, 0.020, 0.018, 0.032],
                    [0.043, 0.035, 0.027, 0.018, 0.032],
                    [0.040, 0.035, 0.027, 0.018, 0.032],
                    [0.033, 0.036, 0.029, 0.019, 0.033],
                    [0.028, 0.036, 0.029, 0.019, 0.033],
                    [0.028, 0.038, 0.029, 0.017, 0.033],
                    [0.032, 0.038, 0.034, 0.017, 0.030],
                    [0.031, 0.038, 0.034, 0.015, 0.030],
                    [0.031, 0.040, 0.034, 0.015, 0.030],
                    [0.038, 0.040, 0.034, 0.014, 0.029],
                    [0.038, 0.038, 0.034, 0.012, 0.026],
                    [0.042, 0.038, 0.034, 0.018, 0.026],
                    [0.042, 0.037, 0.034, 0.018, 0.019],
                    [0.042, 0.037, 0.034, 0.018, 0.0185],
                    [0.043, 0.037, 0.034, 0.023, 0.017],
                    [0.044, 0.038, 0.036, 0.023, 0.024],
                    [0.044, 0.038, 0.036, 0.023, 0.029],
                    [0.044, 0.038, 0.036, 0.025, 0.029],
                    [0.044, 0.037, 0.034, 0.025, 0.034],
                    [0.044, 0.035, 0.034, 0.028, 0.034],
                    [0.044, 0.035, 0.034, 0.028, 0.037],
                    [0.049, 0.035, 0.034, 0.028, 0.037],
                    [0.048, 0.032, 0.037, 0.028, 0.037],
                    [0.048, 0.032, 0.037, 0.027, 0.037],
                    [0.047, 0.029, 0.037, 0.027, 0.038],
                    [0.047, 0.027, 0.039, 0.027, 0.038],
                    [0.047, 0.023, 0.039, 0.030, 0.039],
                    [0.049, 0.022, 0.035, 0.030, 0.039],
                    [0.049, 0.031, 0.035, 0.030, 0.039],
                    [0.049, 0.031, 0.035, 0.027, 0.039],
                    [0.049, 0.032, 0.033, 0.027, 0.039],
                ]) * 1,   # FIXME change *10 if you want to increase gaps?
                "changePoints": np.linspace(0, HORIZON, num=82, endpoint=False, dtype=int),

# FIXME experimental code to check some condition on the problems

[docs]def lowerbound_on_sequence_length(horizon, gap): r""" A function that computes the lower-bound (we will find) on the sequence length to have a reasonable bound on the delay of our change-detection algorithm. - It returns the smallest possible sequence length :math:`L = \tau_{m+1} - \tau_m` satisfying: .. math:: L \geq \frac{8}{\Delta^2} \log(T). """ if np.isclose(gap, 0): return 0 condition = lambda length: length >= (8/gap**2) * np.log(horizon) length = 1 while not condition(length): length += 1 return length
[docs]def check_condition_on_piecewise_stationary_problems(horizon, listOfMeans, changePoints): """ Check some conditions on the piecewise stationary problem.""" M = len(listOfMeans) print("For a piecewise stationary problem with M = {} sequences...".format(M)) # DEBUG for m in range(M - 1): mus_m = listOfMeans[m] tau_m = changePoints[m] mus_mp1 = listOfMeans[m+1] tau_mp1 = changePoints[m+1] print("\nChecking m-th (m = {}) sequence, µ_m = {}, µ_m+1 = {} and tau_m = {} and tau_m+1 = {}".format(m, mus_m, mus_mp1, tau_m, tau_mp1)) # DEBUG for i, (mu_i_m, mu_i_mp1) in enumerate(zip(mus_m, mus_mp1)): gap = abs(mu_i_m - mu_i_mp1) length = tau_mp1 - tau_m lowerbound = lowerbound_on_sequence_length(horizon, gap) print(" - For arm i = {}, gap = {:.3g} and length = {} with lowerbound on length = {}...".format(i, gap, length, lowerbound)) # DEBUG if length < lowerbound: print("WARNING For arm i = {}, gap = {:.3g} and length = {} < lowerbound on length = {} !!".format(i, gap, length, lowerbound)) # DEBUG
# for envId, env in enumerate(configuration["environment"]): # print("\n\n\nChecking environment number {}".format(envId)) # DEBUG # listOfMeans = env["params"]["listOfMeans"] # changePoints = env["params"]["changePoints"] # check_condition_on_piecewise_stationary_problems(HORIZON, listOfMeans, changePoints) CHANGE_POINTS = configuration["environment"][0]["params"]["changePoints"] LIST_OF_MEANS = configuration["environment"][0]["params"]["listOfMeans"] # CHANGE_POINTS = np.unique(np.array(list(set.union(*(set(env["params"]["changePoints"]) for env in ENVIRONMENT))))) NB_BREAK_POINTS = max([len(env["params"]["changePoints"]) - (1 if 0 in env["params"]["changePoints"] else 0) for env in configuration["environment"]]) configuration["nb_break_points"] = NB_BREAK_POINTS # if False: # configuration["environment"] = [ # { # A non stationary problem: every step of the same repetition use a different mean vector! # "arm_type": ARM_TYPE, # "params": { # "newMeans": randomMeans, # # XXX Note that even using geometricChangePoints does not mean random change points *at each repetitions* # # "changePoints": geometricChangePoints(horizon=HORIZON, proba=NB_BREAK_POINTS/HORIZON), # "changePoints": np.linspace(0, HORIZON, num=NB_BREAK_POINTS, dtype=int, endpoint=False), # "args": { # "nbArms": NB_ARMS, # "lower": LOWER, "amplitude": AMPLITUDE, # "mingap": None, "isSorted": False, # }, # # XXX onlyOneArm is None by default, # "onlyOneArm": None, # # XXX but onlyOneArm can be "uniform" to only change *one* arm at each change point, # # "onlyOneArm": "uniform", # # XXX onlyOneArm can also be an integer to only change n arms at each change point, # # "onlyOneArm": 3, # } # }, # ] # if False: # configuration["environment"] = [ # XXX Bernoulli arms # { # A non stationary problem: every step of the same repetition use a different mean vector! # "arm_type": ARM_TYPE, # "params": { # "newMeans": continuouslyVaryingMeans, # "changePoints": np.linspace(0, HORIZON, num=NB_BREAK_POINTS, dtype=int), # "args": { # "nbArms": NB_ARMS, # "maxSlowChange": 0.1, "sign": +1, # "mingap": None, "isSorted": False, # "lower": LOWER, "amplitude": AMPLITUDE, # } # } # }, # ] # if False: # configuration["environment"] = [ # XXX Bernoulli arms # { # A non stationary problem: every step of the same repetition use a different mean vector! # "arm_type": ARM_TYPE, # "params": { # "newMeans": randomContinuouslyVaryingMeans, # "changePoints": np.linspace(0, HORIZON, num=NB_BREAK_POINTS, dtype=int), # "args": { # "nbArms": NB_ARMS, # "maxSlowChange": 0.1, "horizon": HORIZON, # "mingap": None, "isSorted": False, # "lower": LOWER, "amplitude": AMPLITUDE, # } # } # }, # ] try: #: Number of arms *in the first environment* nbArms = int(configuration["environment"][0]["params"]["args"]["nbArms"]) except (TypeError, KeyError): try: nbArms = len(configuration["environment"][0]["params"]["listOfMeans"][0]) except (TypeError, KeyError): nbArms = len(configuration["environment"][0]["params"]) #: Warning: if using Exponential or Gaussian arms, gives klExp or klGauss to KL-UCB-like policies! klucb = klucb_mapping.get(str(configuration["environment"][0]["arm_type"]), klucbBern) # XXX compare different values of the experimental sliding window algorithm EPSS = [0.05] #+ [0.1] ALPHAS = [1] TAUS = [ # 500, 1000, 2000, int(2 * np.sqrt(HORIZON * np.log(HORIZON) / max(1, NB_BREAK_POINTS))), # "optimal" value according to [Garivier & Moulines, 2008] ] GAMMAS = [0.95] #+ [0.9999, 0.99, 0.75, 0.5] GAMMA_T_UpsilonT = 1 - np.sqrt(NB_BREAK_POINTS / HORIZON) / 4. # GAMMAS = [GAMMA_T_UpsilonT] WINDOW_SIZE = NB_ARMS * int(np.ceil(HORIZON / 100)) #: Default window size :math:`w` for the M-UCB and SW-UCB algorithm. # WINDOW_SIZE = 400 # FIXME manually set... PER_ARM_RESTART = [ True, # Per-arm restart XXX comment to only test global arm # False, # Global restart XXX seems more efficient? (at least more memory efficient!) ] MIN_NUMBER_OF_OBSERVATION_BETWEEN_CHANGE_POINT = np.min(np.diff(CHANGE_POINTS)) // (2 * NB_ARMS) if len(CHANGE_POINTS) > 1 else HORIZON UPSILON_T = max(1, NB_BREAK_POINTS) NUMBER_OF_CHANGE_POINTS = NB_ARMS * UPSILON_T if len(PROBLEMS) == 1 and set(PROBLEMS) <= {1,2,3,4,5,6}: CT = sum([sum(np.diff(np.array(LIST_OF_MEANS)[:, i]) != 0) for i in range(np.shape(LIST_OF_MEANS)[1])]) NUMBER_OF_CHANGE_POINTS = CT print("\nUsing Upsilon_T = {} break-points (time when at least one arm changes), and C_T = {} change-points (number of changes of all arms).".format(UPSILON_T, NUMBER_OF_CHANGE_POINTS)) # DEBUG DELTA_for_MUCB = 0.1 EPSILON_for_CUSUM = 0.1 if len(CHANGE_POINTS) > 1 and len(PROBLEMS) == 1: # and set(PROBLEMS) <= {1,2,3,4,5,6}: print("For this problem, we compute the Delta^change and Delta^opt...") # DEBUG min_change_on_mean = min(delta for delta in [min([delta for delta in np.abs(np.diff(np.array(LIST_OF_MEANS)[:, i])) if delta > 0 ]) for i in range(np.shape(LIST_OF_MEANS)[1])] if delta > 0) print("min_change_on_mean =", min_change_on_mean) # DEBUG min_optimality_gap = min(delta for delta in [min([delta for delta in np.abs(np.diff(np.array(LIST_OF_MEANS)[j, :])) if delta > 0 ]) for j in range(np.shape(LIST_OF_MEANS)[0])] if delta > 0) print("min_optimality_gap =", min_optimality_gap) # DEBUG # DELTA_for_MUCB = min_change_on_mean # EPSILON_for_CUSUM = min_change_on_mean print("DELTA_for_MUCB =", DELTA_for_MUCB) # DEBUG print("EPSILON_for_CUSUM =", EPSILON_for_CUSUM) # DEBUG DELTA_T = 1.0 / np.sqrt(HORIZON) # XXX tune the delta as a function of T DELTA_T_UpsilonT = 1.0 / np.sqrt(UPSILON_T * HORIZON) # XXX tune the delta as just a function of T and Upsilon_T DELTA_T_UpsilonT_K = 1.0 / np.sqrt(NB_ARMS * UPSILON_T * HORIZON) # XXX tune the delta as just a function of T and Upsilon_T DELTA_T_CT = 1.0 / np.sqrt(NUMBER_OF_CHANGE_POINTS * HORIZON) # XXX tune the delta as just a function of T and Upsilon_T DELTA_GLOBAL = DELTA_T_UpsilonT DELTA_LOCAL = DELTA_T_UpsilonT_K # ALPHA_0 = 1 ALPHA_0 = 0.05 # ALPHA_0 = 0 ALPHA_T = ALPHA_0 * np.sqrt(np.log(HORIZON) / HORIZON) # XXX tune the alpha as a function of T ALPHA_T_UpsilonT = ALPHA_0 * np.sqrt(UPSILON_T * np.log(HORIZON) / HORIZON) # XXX tune the alpha as just a function of T and Upsilon_T ALPHA_T_UpsilonT_K = ALPHA_0 * np.sqrt(NB_ARMS * UPSILON_T * np.log(HORIZON) / HORIZON) # XXX tune the alpha as just a function of T and Upsilon_T ALPHA_T_CT = ALPHA_0 * np.sqrt(NUMBER_OF_CHANGE_POINTS * np.log(HORIZON) / HORIZON) # XXX tune the alpha as just a function of T and Upsilon_T ALPHA_GLOBAL = ALPHA_T_UpsilonT ALPHA_LOCAL = ALPHA_T_UpsilonT_K configuration.update({ "policies": # # [ # XXX Regular adversarial bandits algorithms! # # # { "archtype": Exp3WithHorizon, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, } }, # # { "archtype": Exp3PlusPlus, "params": {} }, # # ] + # # [ # # # --- TsallisInf algorithm # # { # # "archtype": TsallisInf, # # "params": { # # "alpha": 0.5, # # } # # }, # # # --- RCB algorithm # # { # # "archtype": RCB, # # "params": { # # "alpha": 1., # # "perturbation": "uniform", # like UCB? # # } # # }, # # # --- PHE algorithm # # { # # "archtype": PHE, # # "params": { # # "perturbation_scale": 1.1, # # } # # }, # # ] + [ # XXX Regular stochastic bandits algorithms! # { "archtype": Uniform, "params": { } }, # # { "archtype": EmpiricalMeans, "params": { } }, # # { "archtype": UCBalpha, "params": { "alpha": 1, } }, # { "archtype": UCB, "params": { } }, # # { "archtype": SWR_UCBalpha, "params": { "alpha": 1, } }, # WARNING experimental! # { "archtype": BESA, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "non_binary": True, } }, # { "archtype": BayesUCB, "params": { "posterior": Beta, } }, # { "archtype": AdBandits, "params": { "alpha": 1, "horizon": HORIZON, } }, { "archtype": klUCB, "params": { "klucb": klucb, }, "change_label": "klUCB", }, # { "archtype": SWR_klUCB, "params": { "klucb": klucb, } }, # WARNING experimental! { "archtype": Thompson, "params": { "posterior": Beta, }, "change_label": "Thompson Sampling" }, ] + # DONE the OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy with klUCB/UCB policy works quite well, but NOT optimally! [ { "archtype": OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy, "params": { "changePoints": CHANGE_POINTS, "listOfMeans": LIST_OF_MEANS, "policy": policy, # "per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart, "reset_for_all_change": reset_for_all_change, "reset_for_suboptimal_change": reset_for_suboptimal_change, # "full_restart_when_refresh": full_restart_when_refresh, } } for policy in [ # UCB, # XXX comment to only test klUCB klUCB, # Thompson, # XXX comment to only test klUCB # Exp3PlusPlus, # XXX comment to only test klUCB ] # for per_arm_restart in [True, False] # for full_restart_when_refresh in [True, False] for reset_for_all_change, reset_for_suboptimal_change in [ (True, False), # optimal # (True, True), # sub sub optimal # (False, True), # ? optimal # (False, False), # sub optimal ] ] + # TODO How does the Exp3S algorithm work?? [ { "archtype": Exp3S, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "max_nb_random_events": NB_BREAK_POINTS, # "alpha0": alpha0, # "gamma0": gamma0, } } # for alpha0 in [100, 10, 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001] # try different values for alpha, but using the formula, just a constant scaling # # for alpha0 in [100, 50, 1] # try different values for alpha, but using the formula, just a constant scaling # for gamma0 in [100, 10, 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001] # try different values for alpha, but using the formula, just a constant scaling # # for gamma0 in [10, 1, 0.01] # try different values for alpha, but using the formula, just a constant scaling ] + # # The Exp3R algorithm works reasonably well # [ # { "archtype": Exp3R, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, } } # ] + # # # XXX The Exp3RPlusPlus variant of Exp3R algorithm works also reasonably well # # [ # # { "archtype": Exp3RPlusPlus, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, } } # # ] + # [ # # --- # Different versions of the discounted UCB algorithm # { "archtype": DiscountedklUCB, "params": { # "gamma": gamma, # # "alpha": alpha, # # "useRealDiscount": useRealDiscount, # } } # for gamma in GAMMAS # # for alpha in ALPHAS # # for useRealDiscount in [True, False] # ] + # # [ # # # --- # XXX experimental discounted UCB algorithm, knowing the horizon # # { "archtype": DiscountedklUCBPlus, "params": { "max_nb_random_events": NB_BREAK_POINTS, "horizon": HORIZON, } } # # ] + # # [ # # # --- # XXX experimental sliding window algorithm # # { "archtype": SlidingWindowRestart, "params": { # # "policy": policy, # # "tau": tau, # # "threshold": eps, # # "full_restart_when_refresh": True, # # }, # # "change_label": r"SW-klUCB" # # } # # for tau in TAUS # # for eps in EPSS # # for policy in [klUCB] # # ] + # # [ # # # --- # Different versions of the sliding window UCB algorithm # # { "archtype": SWUCB, "params": { "alpha": alpha, "tau": tau, } } # # for alpha in ALPHAS for tau in TAUS # # ] + # # [ # # # --- # XXX experimental other version of the sliding window algorithm, knowing the horizon # # { "archtype": SWUCBPlus, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "alpha": alpha, } } # # for alpha in ALPHAS # # ] + # [ # # --- # Different versions of the sliding window klUCB algorithm # { "archtype": SWklUCB, "params": { "tau": tau, }, "change_label": "SW-klUCB" } # for tau in TAUS # ] + [ # XXX DiscountedThompson works REALLY well! { "archtype": DiscountedThompson, "params": { "posterior": DiscountedBeta, "gamma": gamma, }, "change_label": "DTS", } for gamma in GAMMAS ] + # [ # XXX test the AdSwitch policy and its corrected version # { # "archtype": AdSwitch, # "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "C1": C1, "C2": C2,}, # "change_label": "AdSwitch", # } # for C1 in [1] #, 10, 0.1] # WARNING don't test too many parameters! # for C2 in [1] #, 10, 0.1] # WARNING don't test too many parameters! # ] + # # The LM_DSEE algorithm seems to work fine! WARNING it seems TOO efficient! # [ # # nu = 0.5 means there is of the order Upsilon_T = T^0.5 = sqrt(T) change points # # XXX note that for a fixed T it means nothing… # # XXX But for T=10000 it is at most 100 changes, reasonable! # { # "archtype": LM_DSEE, # "params": { "nu": 0.25, "DeltaMin": 0.1, "a": 1, "b": 0.25, }, # "change_label": r"LM-DSEE($\nu=1/4$, $\Delta^{min}=0.1$, $a=1$, $b=1/4$)", # } # ] + # # DONE The SW_UCB_Hash algorithm works fine! # [ # { "archtype": SWHash_IndexPolicy, "params": { "alpha": alpha, "lmbda": lmbda, "policy": UCB } } # for alpha in ALPHAS # for lmbda in [1] # [0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10] # ] + # XXX The Monitored_IndexPolicy with specific tuning of the input parameters [ { "archtype": Monitored_IndexPolicy, "params": { "policy": policy, # "per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart, "horizon": HORIZON, "w": w, "delta": DELTA_for_MUCB, }, "change_label": "M-klUCB", } # for per_arm_restart in PER_ARM_RESTART for policy in [ # UCB, klUCB, # XXX comment to only test UCB ] # for w in [20, 10*NB_ARMS, WINDOW_SIZE, NB_ARMS*WINDOW_SIZE, 2*NB_ARMS*WINDOW_SIZE] for w in [WINDOW_SIZE] ] + # XXX Test a few CD-MAB algorithms that need to know NB_BREAK_POINTS [ { "archtype": archtype, "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "policy": policy, "max_nb_random_events": NB_BREAK_POINTS, # "min_number_of_observation_between_change_point": MIN_NUMBER_OF_OBSERVATION_BETWEEN_CHANGE_POINT, "lazy_detect_change_only_x_steps": lazy_detect_change_only_x_steps, "epsilon": EPSILON_for_CUSUM, "use_localization": use_localization, }, "change_label": "CUSUM-klUCB{}".format("(Localization)" if use_localization else ""), } for archtype in [ CUSUM_IndexPolicy, # PHT_IndexPolicy, # OK PHT_IndexPolicy is very much like CUSUM ] for policy in [ # UCB, # XXX comment to only test klUCB klUCB, ] # for use_localization in [True, False] # FIXME experimental use of localization for use_localization in [True] # for lazy_detect_change_only_x_steps in [1, 2, 5] # for lazy_detect_change_only_x_steps in [1] for lazy_detect_change_only_x_steps in ([20] if HORIZON <= 20000 else ([35] if HORIZON <= 100000 else [50])) ] + # # # # XXX Test a UCBLCB_IndexPolicy algorithm # # # [ # # # { "archtype": UCBLCB_IndexPolicy, "params": { # # # "policy": policy, # # # # "delta0": delta0, # # # # "lazy_detect_change_only_x_steps": lazy_detect_change_only_x_steps, # # # # "lazy_try_value_s_only_x_steps": lazy_try_value_s_only_x_steps, # # # } } # # # for policy in [ # # # # UCB, # XXX comment to only test klUCB # # # klUCB, # # # ] # # # # for delta0 in [10, 1, 0.1, 0.001] # comment to use default parameter # # # # for lazy_detect_change_only_x_steps in [1, 2, 5] # XXX uncomment to use default value # # # # for lazy_try_value_s_only_x_steps in [1, 2, 5] # XXX uncomment to use default value # # # ] + # # # XXX Test GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy # [ # { "archtype": archtype, "params": { # "horizon": HORIZON, # "policy": policy, # "per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart, # "max_nb_random_events": NB_BREAK_POINTS, # "lazy_detect_change_only_x_steps": lazy_detect_change_only_x_steps, # "lazy_try_value_s_only_x_steps": lazy_try_value_s_only_x_steps, # }, "change_label": archname # } # for archtype, archname in [ # # (GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy, "random expl."), # OK GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy is very much like Bernoulli GLR # # (GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy_WithTracking, "tracking"), # OK GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy_WithTracking is very much like Gaussian GLR and is more efficient # (GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy_WithDeterministicExploration, "Gaussian-GLR"), # OK GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy_WithDeterministicExploration is very much like Gaussian GLR and is more efficient # (SubGaussianGLR_IndexPolicy, "sub-Gaussian GLR"), # OK SubGaussianGLR_IndexPolicy is very much like Gaussian GLR # # (OurGaussianGLR_IndexPolicy, "random expl."), # OK OurGaussianGLR_IndexPolicy is very much like Bernoulli GLR # # (OurGaussianGLR_IndexPolicy_WithTracking, "tracking"), # OK OurGaussianGLR_IndexPolicy_WithTracking is very much like Gaussian GLR and is more efficient # (OurGaussianGLR_IndexPolicy_WithDeterministicExploration, "Our Gaussian-GLR"), # OK OurGaussianGLR_IndexPolicy_WithDeterministicExploration is very much like Gaussian GLR and is more efficient # ] # for policy in [ # # UCB, # XXX comment to only test klUCB # klUCB, # ] # for per_arm_restart in PER_ARM_RESTART # # for lazy_detect_change_only_x_steps in [50] #+ [2, 10] # XXX uncomment to use default value # # for lazy_try_value_s_only_x_steps in [50] #+ [2, 10] # XXX uncomment to use default value # for lazy_detect_change_only_x_steps, lazy_try_value_s_only_x_steps in ([(10, 10)] if HORIZON <= 20000 else ([(20, 20)] if HORIZON <= 100000 else [(50, 50)])) # ] + # XXX Test BernoulliGLR_IndexPolicy [ { "archtype": archtype, "params": { # "horizon": HORIZON, "policy": policy, "per_arm_restart": per_arm_restart, # "max_nb_random_events": NB_BREAK_POINTS, # "delta": delta0 * delta, "delta": delta, "alpha0": mult_alpha0 * alpha0, "lazy_detect_change_only_x_steps": lazy_detect_change_only_x_steps, "lazy_try_value_s_only_x_steps": lazy_try_value_s_only_x_steps, # "variant": variant, "use_localization": use_localization, }, "change_label": r"GLR-klUCB({})".format(", ".join(s for s in [ "Local" if per_arm_restart else "Global", "Localization" if use_localization else "", archname, # "threshold #{}".format(variant), # r"\delta 1" if delta == DELTA_1 else r"\delta 2", # r"$\delta={:.3g}$".format(delta), # r"$\alpha_0={:.3g}$".format(alpha0), # r"$\alpha_0={:.3g}$".format(mult_alpha0), # # "$\Delta n={}$".format(lazy_detect_change_only_x_steps) if lazy_detect_change_only_x_steps != 10 else "", # # "$\Delta s={}$".format(lazy_try_value_s_only_x_steps) if lazy_try_value_s_only_x_steps != 10 else "", ] if s)) } for archtype, archname in [ # (BernoulliGLR_IndexPolicy, "random expl."), # OK BernoulliGLR_IndexPolicy is very much like CUSUM # (BernoulliGLR_IndexPolicy_WithTracking, "tracking"), # OK GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy_WithTracking is very much like Bernoulli GLR and is more efficient # (BernoulliGLR_IndexPolicy_WithDeterministicExploration, "determ.expl."), # OK GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy_WithDeterministicExploration is very much like Bernoulli GLR and is more efficient XXX use this if using other exploration mechanisms XXX (BernoulliGLR_IndexPolicy_WithDeterministicExploration, ""), # OK GaussianGLR_IndexPolicy_WithDeterministicExploration is very much like Bernoulli GLR and is more efficient ] for policy in [ # UCB, # XXX comment to only test klUCB # klUCB, klUCB_forGLR, ] # for (per_arm_restart, delta, alpha0) in zip( # [True], # [DELTA_LOCAL], # [ALPHA_LOCAL], # ) # for (per_arm_restart, delta, alpha0) in zip( # [False], # [DELTA_GLOBAL], # [ALPHA_GLOBAL], # ) for (per_arm_restart, delta, alpha0) in zip( [True, False], [DELTA_LOCAL, DELTA_GLOBAL], [ALPHA_LOCAL, ALPHA_GLOBAL], ) # for use_localization in [True, False] # FIXME experimental use of localization for use_localization in [True] # for delta in [DELTA_1] # + [DELTA_2] # XXX experimental! # for alpha0 in [ALPHA_1] # XXX experimental! for mult_alpha0 in [1] # comment from the + to use default parameter # for alpha0 in [1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0] # comment from the + to use default parameter # for delta0 in [1000, 500, 100, 50, 10, 5, 1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001] # comment from the + to use default parameter # for lazy_detect_change_only_x_steps in [1, 5, 10, 20] # XXX uncomment to use default value # for lazy_try_value_s_only_x_steps in [1, 5, 10, 20] # XXX uncomment to use default value # for lazy_detect_change_only_x_steps, lazy_try_value_s_only_x_steps in [(1, 1), (10, 10)] # for lazy_detect_change_only_x_steps, lazy_try_value_s_only_x_steps in [(1, 1)] for lazy_detect_change_only_x_steps, lazy_try_value_s_only_x_steps in ([(10, 10)] if HORIZON <= 20000 else ([(20, 20)] if HORIZON <= 100000 else [(50, 50)])) # for variant in [None, 1, 2, 3] # XXX variant for the threshold function... ] + # [ # DONE test the AdSwitch policy and its corrected version # { # "archtype": AdSwitchNew, # "params": { "horizon": HORIZON, "C1": C1,}, # "change_label": "AdSwitch-New", # } # for C1 in [1] #, 10, 0.1] # WARNING don't test too many parameters! # ] + [] }) # XXX Huge hack! Use this if you want to modify the legends configuration.update({ "append_labels": { policyId: cfg_policy.get("append_label", "") for policyId, cfg_policy in enumerate(configuration["policies"]) if "append_label" in cfg_policy }, "change_labels": { policyId: cfg_policy.get("change_label", "") for policyId, cfg_policy in enumerate(configuration["policies"]) if "change_label" in cfg_policy } }) print("Loaded experiments configuration from '' :") print("configuration['policies'] =", configuration["policies"]) # DEBUG print("configuration['environment'] =", configuration["environment"]) # DEBUG