Source code for Environment.EvaluatorSparseMultiPlayers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" EvaluatorSparseMultiPlayers class to wrap and run the simulations, for the multi-players case with sparse activated players.
Lots of plotting methods, to have various visualizations. See documentation.

.. warning:: FIXME this environment is not as up-to-date as :class:`Environment.EvaluatorMultiPlayers`.
from __future__ import division, print_function  # Python 2 compatibility

__author__ = "Lilian Besson"
__version__ = "0.9"

# Generic imports
from copy import deepcopy
from re import search
import random
from random import random as uniform_in_zero_one
# Scientific imports
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    # Local imports, libraries
    from .usejoblib import USE_JOBLIB, Parallel, delayed
    from .usetqdm import USE_TQDM, tqdm
    # Local imports, tools and config
    from .plotsettings import BBOX_INCHES, signature, maximizeWindow, palette, makemarkers, add_percent_formatter, wraptext, wraplatex, legend, show_and_save, nrows_ncols
    from .sortedDistance import weightedDistance, manhattan, kendalltau, spearmanr, gestalt, meanDistance, sortedDistance
    from .fairnessMeasures import amplitude_fairness, std_fairness, rajjain_fairness, mean_fairness, fairnessMeasure, fairness_mapping
    # Local imports, objects and functions
    from .CollisionModels import onlyUniqUserGetsRewardSparse, full_lost_if_collision
    from .MAB import MAB, MarkovianMAB, ChangingAtEachRepMAB
    from .ResultMultiPlayers import ResultMultiPlayers
    # Inheritance
    from .EvaluatorMultiPlayers import EvaluatorMultiPlayers, _extract
except ImportError:
    # Local imports, libraries
    from usejoblib import USE_JOBLIB, Parallel, delayed
    from usetqdm import USE_TQDM, tqdm
    # Local imports, tools and config
    from plotsettings import BBOX_INCHES, signature, maximizeWindow, palette, makemarkers, add_percent_formatter, wraptext, wraplatex, legend, show_and_save, nrows_ncols
    from sortedDistance import weightedDistance, manhattan, kendalltau, spearmanr, gestalt, meanDistance, sortedDistance
    from fairnessMeasures import amplitude_fairness, std_fairness, rajjain_fairness, mean_fairness, fairnessMeasure, fairness_mapping
    # Local imports, objects and functions
    from CollisionModels import onlyUniqUserGetsRewardSparse, full_lost_if_collision
    from MAB import MAB, MarkovianMAB, ChangingAtEachRepMAB
    from ResultMultiPlayers import ResultMultiPlayers
    # Inheritance
    from EvaluatorMultiPlayers import EvaluatorMultiPlayers, _extract

REPETITIONS = 1  #: Default nb of repetitions
ACTIVATION = 1  #: Default probability of activation
DELTA_T_PLOT = 50  #: Default sampling rate for plotting

MORE_ACCURATE = False          #: Use the count of selections instead of rewards for a more accurate mean/std reward measure.
MORE_ACCURATE = True           #: Use the count of selections instead of rewards for a more accurate mean/std reward measure.

FINAL_RANKS_ON_AVERAGE = True  #: Default value for ``finalRanksOnAverage``
USE_JOBLIB_FOR_POLICIES = False  #: Default value for ``useJoblibForPolicies``. Does not speed up to use it (too much overhead in using too much threads); so it should really be disabled.
PICKLE_IT = True  #: Default value for ``pickleit`` for saving the figures. If True, then all ``plt.figure`` object are saved (in pickle format).

# --- Class EvaluatorSparseMultiPlayers

[docs]class EvaluatorSparseMultiPlayers(EvaluatorMultiPlayers): """ Evaluator class to run the simulations, for the multi-players case. """
[docs] def __init__(self, configuration, moreAccurate=MORE_ACCURATE): super(EvaluatorSparseMultiPlayers, self).__init__(configuration, moreAccurate=moreAccurate) self.activations = self.cfg.get('activations', ACTIVATION) #: Probability of activations assert np.min(self.activations) > 0 and np.max(self.activations) <= 1, "Error: probability of activations = {} were not all in (0, 1] ...".format(self.activations) # DEBUG self.collisionModel = self.cfg.get('collisionModel', onlyUniqUserGetsRewardSparse) #: Which collision model should be used self.full_lost_if_collision = full_lost_if_collision.get(self.collisionModel.__name__, True) #: Is there a full loss of rewards if collision ? To compute the correct decomposition of regret print("Using collision model {} (function {}).\nMore details:\n{}".format(self.collisionModel.__name__, self.collisionModel, self.collisionModel.__doc__))
# --- Start computation
[docs] def startOneEnv(self, envId, env): """Simulate that env.""" print("\n\nEvaluating environment:", repr(env)) # DEBUG self.players = [] self.__initPlayers__(env) # Get the position of the best arms means = env.means bestarm = env.maxArm indexes_bestarm = np.nonzero(np.isclose(means, bestarm))[0] def store(r, repeatId): """Store the result of the experiment r.""" self.rewards[envId] += np.cumsum(r.rewards, axis=1) # cumsum on time self.lastCumRewards[envId][repeatId] = np.sum(r.rewards) # sum on time and sum on policies self.pulls[envId] += r.pulls self.lastPulls[envId][:, :, repeatId] = r.pulls self.allPulls[envId] += r.allPulls self.collisions[envId] += r.collisions self.lastCumCollisions[envId][:, repeatId] = np.sum(r.collisions, axis=1) # sum on time for playerId in range(self.nbPlayers): self.nbSwitchs[envId][playerId, 1:] += (np.diff(r.choices[playerId, :]) != 0) self.bestArmPulls[envId][playerId, :] += np.cumsum(np.in1d(r.choices[playerId, :], indexes_bestarm)) # FIXME there is probably a bug in this computation self.freeTransmissions[envId][playerId, :] += np.array([r.choices[playerId, t] not in r.collisions[:, t] for t in range(self.horizon)]) # Start now if self.useJoblib: seeds = np.random.randint(low=0, high=100 * self.repetitions, size=self.repetitions) repeatIdout = 0 for r in Parallel(n_jobs=self.cfg['n_jobs'], verbose=self.cfg['verbosity'])( delayed(delayed_play)(env, self.players, self.horizon, self.collisionModel, self.activations, seed=seeds[repeatId], repeatId=repeatId) for repeatId in tqdm(range(self.repetitions), desc="Repeat||") ): store(r, repeatIdout) repeatIdout += 1 if env.isChangingAtEachRepetition: env._t += self.repetitions # new self.repetitions draw! else: for repeatId in tqdm(range(self.repetitions), desc="Repeat"): r = delayed_play(env, self.players, self.horizon, self.collisionModel, self.activations, repeatId=repeatId) store(r, repeatId)
# --- Getter methods
[docs] def getCentralizedRegret_LessAccurate(self, envId=0): """Compute the empirical centralized regret: cumsum on time of the mean rewards of the M best arms - cumsum on time of the empirical rewards obtained by the players, based on accumulated rewards.""" meansArms = np.sort(self.envs[envId].means) sumBestMeans = self.envs[envId].sumBestMeans(min(self.envs[envId].nbArms, self.nbPlayers)) # FIXED how to count it when there is more players than arms ? # FIXME it depends on the collision model ! if self.envs[envId].nbArms < self.nbPlayers: # sure to have collisions, then the best strategy is to put all the collisions in the worse arm worseArm = np.min(meansArms) sumBestMeans -= worseArm # This count the collisions averageBestRewards = self._times * sumBestMeans # And for the actual rewards, the collisions are counted in the rewards logged in self.getRewards actualRewards = np.sum(self.rewards[envId][:, :], axis=0) / float(self.repetitions) return averageBestRewards - actualRewards
# --- Three terms in the regret
[docs] def getFirstRegretTerm(self, envId=0): """Extract and compute the first term :math:`(a)` in the centralized regret: losses due to pulling suboptimal arms.""" means = self.envs[envId].means sortingIndex = np.argsort(means) means = np.sort(means) deltaMeansWorstArms = means[-min(self.envs[envId].nbArms, self.nbPlayers)] - means[:-min(self.envs[envId].nbArms, self.nbPlayers)] allPulls = self.allPulls[envId] / float(self.repetitions) # Shape: (nbPlayers, nbArms, duration) allWorstPulls = allPulls[:, sortingIndex[:-min(self.envs[envId].nbArms, self.nbPlayers)], :] worstPulls = np.sum(allWorstPulls, axis=0) # sum for all players losses =, worstPulls) # Count and sum on k in Mworst firstRegretTerm = np.cumsum(losses) # Accumulate losses return firstRegretTerm
[docs] def getSecondRegretTerm(self, envId=0): """Extract and compute the second term :math:`(b)` in the centralized regret: losses due to not pulling optimal arms.""" means = self.envs[envId].means sortingIndex = np.argsort(means) means = np.sort(means) deltaMeansBestArms = means[-min(self.envs[envId].nbArms, self.nbPlayers):] - means[-min(self.envs[envId].nbArms, self.nbPlayers)] allPulls = self.allPulls[envId] / float(self.repetitions) # Shape: (nbPlayers, nbArms, duration) allBestPulls = allPulls[:, sortingIndex[-min(self.envs[envId].nbArms, self.nbPlayers):], :] bestMisses = 1 - np.sum(allBestPulls, axis=0) # sum for all players losses =, bestMisses) # Count and sum on k in Mbest secondRegretTerm = np.cumsum(losses) # Accumulate losses return secondRegretTerm
[docs] def getThirdRegretTerm(self, envId=0): """Extract and compute the third term :math:`(c)` in the centralized regret: losses due to collisions.""" means = self.envs[envId].means countCollisions = self.collisions[envId] # Shape: (nbArms, duration) if not self.full_lost_if_collision: print("Warning: the collision model ({}) does *not* yield a loss in communication when colliding (one user can communicate, or in average one user can communicate), so countCollisions -= 1 for the 3rd regret term ...".format(self.collisionModel.__name__)) # DEBUG countCollisions = np.maximum(0, countCollisions - 1) losses =, countCollisions / float(self.repetitions)) # Count and sum on k in 1...K thirdRegretTerm = np.cumsum(losses) # Accumulate losses return thirdRegretTerm
[docs] def getCentralizedRegret_MoreAccurate(self, envId=0): """Compute the empirical centralized regret, based on counts of selections and not actual rewards.""" return self.getFirstRegretTerm(envId=envId) + self.getSecondRegretTerm(envId=envId) + self.getThirdRegretTerm(envId=envId)
[docs] def getCentralizedRegret(self, envId=0, moreAccurate=None): """Using either the more accurate or the less accurate regret count.""" moreAccurate = moreAccurate if moreAccurate is not None else self.moreAccurate # print("Computing the vector of mean cumulated regret with '{}' accurate method...".format("more" if moreAccurate else "less")) # DEBUG if moreAccurate: return self.getCentralizedRegret_MoreAccurate(envId=envId) else: return self.getCentralizedRegret_LessAccurate(envId=envId)
# --- Last regrets
[docs] def getLastRegrets_LessAccurate(self, envId=0): """Extract last regrets, based on accumulated rewards.""" meansArms = np.sort(self.envs[envId].means) sumBestMeans = self.envs[envId].sumBestMeans(self.nbPlayers) # FIXED how to count it when there is more players than arms ? # FIXME it depends on the collision model ! if self.envs[envId].nbArms < self.nbPlayers: # sure to have collisions, then the best strategy is to put all the collisions in the worse arm worseArm = np.min(meansArms) sumBestMeans -= worseArm # This count the collisions return self.horizon * sumBestMeans - self.lastCumRewards[envId]
[docs] def getAllLastWeightedSelections(self, envId=0): """Extract weighted count of selections.""" all_last_weighted_selections = np.zeros(self.repetitions) lastCumCollisions = self.lastCumCollisions[envId] for armId, mean in enumerate(self.envs[envId].means): last_selections = np.sum(self.lastPulls[envId][:, armId, :], axis=0) # sum on players all_last_weighted_selections += mean * (last_selections - lastCumCollisions[armId, :]) return all_last_weighted_selections
[docs] def getLastRegrets_MoreAccurate(self, envId=0): """Extract last regrets, based on counts of selections and not actual rewards.""" meansArms = np.sort(self.envs[envId].means) sumBestMeans = self.envs[envId].sumBestMeans(self.nbPlayers) # FIXED how to count it when there is more players than arms ? # FIXME it depends on the collision model ! if self.envs[envId].nbArms < self.nbPlayers: # sure to have collisions, then the best strategy is to put all the collisions in the worse arm worseArm = np.min(meansArms) sumBestMeans -= worseArm # This count the collisions return self.horizon * sumBestMeans - self.getAllLastWeightedSelections(envId=envId)
[docs] def getLastRegrets(self, envId=0, moreAccurate=None): """Using either the more accurate or the less accurate regret count.""" moreAccurate = moreAccurate if moreAccurate is not None else self.moreAccurate # print("Computing the vector of last cumulated regrets (on repetitions) with '{}' accurate method...".format("more" if moreAccurate else "less")) # DEBUG if moreAccurate: return self.getLastRegrets_MoreAccurate(envId=envId) else: return self.getLastRegrets_LessAccurate(envId=envId)
[docs] def strPlayers(self, short=False, latex=True): """Get a string of the players and their activations probability for this environment.""" listStrPlayersActivations = [("%s, $p=%s$" if latex else "%s, p=%s") % (_extract(str(player)), str(activation)) for (player, activation) in zip(self.players, self.activations)] if len(set(listStrPlayersActivations)) == 1: # Unique user and unique activation if latex: text = r'${} \times$ {}'.format(self.nbPlayers, listStrPlayersActivations[0]) else: text = r'{} x {}'.format(self.nbPlayers, listStrPlayersActivations[0]) else: text = ', '.join(listStrPlayersActivations) text = wraptext(text) if not short: text = '{} players: {}'.format(self.nbPlayers, text) return text
[docs]def delayed_play(env, players, horizon, collisionModel, activations, seed=None, repeatId=0): """Helper function for the parallelization.""" # Give a unique seed to random & numpy.random for each call of this function try: if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) random.seed(seed) except (ValueError, SystemError): print("Warning: setting random.seed and np.random.seed seems to not be available. Are you using Windows?") # XXX means = env.means if env.isChangingAtEachRepetition: means = env.newRandomArms() players = deepcopy(players) nbArms = env.nbArms nbPlayers = len(players) # Start game for player in players: player.startGame() # Store results result = ResultMultiPlayers(env.nbArms, horizon, nbPlayers, means=means) rewards = np.zeros(nbPlayers) choices = np.zeros(nbPlayers, dtype=int) pulls = np.zeros((nbPlayers, nbArms), dtype=int) collisions = np.zeros(nbArms, dtype=int) nbActivations = np.zeros(nbPlayers, dtype=int) prettyRange = tqdm(range(horizon), desc="Time t") if repeatId == 0 else range(horizon) for t in prettyRange: # Reset the array, faster than reallocating them! rewards.fill(0) choices.fill(-100000) pulls.fill(0) collisions.fill(0) # Decide who gets activated # # 1. pure iid Bernoulli activations, so sum(random_activations) == np.random.binomial(nbPlayers, activation) if activations are all the same # random_activations = np.random.random_sample(nbPlayers) <= activations # FIXME finish these experiments # 2. maybe first decide how many players from [0, nbArms] or [0, nbPlayers] are activated, then who # nb_activated_players = np.random.binomial(nbArms, np.mean(activations)) nb_activated_players = np.random.binomial(nbPlayers, np.mean(activations)) # who_is_activated = np.random.choice(nbPlayers, size=nb_activated_players, replace=False) who_is_activated = np.random.choice(nbPlayers, size=nb_activated_players, replace=False, p=np.asarray(activations)/np.sum(activations)) random_activations = np.in1d(np.arange(nbPlayers), who_is_activated) # Every player decides which arm to pull for playerId, player in enumerate(players): # if with_proba(activations[playerId]): if random_activations[playerId]: nbActivations[playerId] += 1 choices[playerId] = player.choice() # print(" Round t = \t{}, player \t#{:>2}/{} ({}) \tgot activated and chose : {} ...".format(t, playerId + 1, len(players), player, choices[playerId])) # DEBUG # else: # print(" Round t = \t{}, player \t#{:>2}/{} ({}) \tdid not get activated ...".format(t, playerId + 1, len(players), player)) # DEBUG # Then we decide if there is collisions and what to do why them # XXX It is here that the player may receive a reward, if there is no collisions collisionModel(t, env.arms, players, choices, rewards, pulls, collisions) # Finally we store the results, choices, rewards, pulls, collisions) # Print the quality of estimation of arm ranking for this policy, just for 1st repetition if repeatId == 0: print("\nNumber of activations by players:") for playerId, player in enumerate(players): try: print("\nThe policy {} was activated {} times after {} steps...".format(player, nbActivations[playerId], horizon)) order = player.estimatedOrder() print("Estimated order by the policy {} after {} steps: {} ...".format(player, horizon, order)) print(" ==> Optimal arm identification: {:.2%} (relative success)...".format(weightedDistance(order, env.means, n=nbPlayers))) # print(" ==> Manhattan distance from optimal ordering: {:.2%} (relative success)...".format(manhattan(order))) # print(" ==> Spearman distance from optimal ordering: {:.2%} (relative success)...".format(spearmanr(order))) # print(" ==> Gestalt distance from optimal ordering: {:.2%} (relative success)...".format(gestalt(order))) print(" ==> Mean distance from optimal ordering: {:.2%} (relative success)...".format(meanDistance(order))) except AttributeError: print("Unable to print the estimated ordering, no method estimatedOrder was found!") return result
[docs]def with_proba(proba): """`True` with probability = `proba`, `False` with probability = `1 - proba`. Examples: >>> import random; random.seed(0) >>> tosses = [with_proba(0.6) for _ in range(10000)]; sum(tosses) 5977 >>> tosses = [with_proba(0.111) for _ in range(100000)]; sum(tosses) 11158 """ return uniform_in_zero_one() <= proba
# --- Debugging if __name__ == "__main__": # Code for debugging purposes. from doctest import testmod print("\nTesting automatically all the docstring written in each functions of this module :") testmod(verbose=True)