Environment package

Environment module:

  • MAB, MarkovianMAB, ChangingAtEachRepMAB, IncreasingMAB, PieceWiseStationaryMAB, NonStationaryMAB objects, used to wrap the problems (essentially a list of arms).
  • Result and ResultMultiPlayers objects, used to wrap simulation results (list of decisions and rewards).
  • Evaluator environment, used to wrap simulation, for the single player case.
  • EvaluatorMultiPlayers environment, used to wrap simulation, for the multi-players case.
  • EvaluatorSparseMultiPlayers environment, used to wrap simulation, for the multi-players case with sparse activated players.
  • CollisionModels implements different collision models.

And useful constants and functions for the plotting and stuff:

  • DPI, signature(), maximizeWindow(), palette(), makemarkers(), wraptext(): for plotting,
  • notify(): send a desktop notification,
  • Parallel(), delayed(): joblib related,
  • tqdm: pretty range() loops,
  • sortedDistance, fairnessMeasures: science related,
  • getCurrentMemory(), sizeof_fmt(): to measure and pretty print memory consumption.