Policies package¶
module : contains all the (single-player) bandits algorithms:
- “Stupid” algorithms:
, - Greedy algorithms:
, - And variants of the Explore-Then-Commit policy:
, - Probabilistic weighting algorithms:
, a smart variantBoltzmannGumbel
, and a recent extensionTsallisInf
, - Index based UCB algorithms:
, - Index based MOSS algorithms:
, - Bayesian algorithms:
, andDiscountedThompson
, - Based on Kullback-Leibler divergence:
, - Other index algorithms:
, - Hybrids algorithms, mixing Bayesian and UCB indexes:
, - Aggregation algorithms:
(mine, it’s awesome, go on try it!), andCORRAL
, - Finite-Horizon Gittins index, approximated version:
, - An experimental policy, using a sliding window of for instance 100 draws, and reset the algorithm as soon as the small empirical average is too far away from the full history empirical average (or just restart for one arm, if possible),
, and 3 versions for UCB, UCBalpha and klUCB:SlidingWindowRestart.SWR_UCB
(my algorithm, unpublished yet), - An experimental policy, using just a sliding window of for instance 100 draws,
, andSlidingWindowUCB.SWUCBPlus
if the horizon is known. There is alsoSlidingWindowUCB.SWklUCB
. - Another experimental policy with a discount factor,
, as well as versions using klUCB,DiscountedUCB.DiscountedklUCB
, andDiscountedUCB.DiscountedklUCBPlus
. - Other policies for the non-stationary problems:
. - A policy designed to tackle sparse stochastic bandit problems,
, andSparseWrapper
that can be used with any index policy. - A policy that implements a “smart doubling trick” to turn any horizon-dependent policy into a horizon-independent policy without loosing in performances:
, - An experimental policy, implementing a another kind of doubling trick to turn any policy that needs to know the range \([a,b]\) of rewards a policy that don’t need to know the range, and that adapt dynamically from the new observations,
, - The Optimal Sampling for Structured Bandits (OSSB) policy:
(it is more generic and can be applied to almost any kind of bandit problem, it works fine for classical stationary bandits but it is not optimal), a variant for gaussian problemGaussianOSSB
, and a variant for sparse banditsSparseOSSB
. There is also two variants with decreasing rates,OSSB_DecreasingRate
, - The Best Empirical Sampled Average (BESA) policy:
(it works crazily well), - New! The UCBoost (Upper Confidence bounds with Boosting) policies, first with no boosting:
, and then the ones with non-adaptive boosting:UCBoost.UCBoost_bq_h_lb
, and finally the epsilon-approximation boosting withUCBoost.UCBoostEpsilon
, - Some are designed only for (fully decentralized) multi-player games:
The list above might not be complete, see the details below.
All policies have the same interface, as described in BasePolicy
in order to use them in any experiment with the following approach:
my_policy = Policy(nbArms)
my_policy.startGame() # start the game
for t in range(T):
chosen_arm_t = k_t = my_policy.choice() # chose one arm
reward_t = sampled from an arm k_t # sample a reward
my_policy.getReward(k_t, reward_t) # give it the the policy
= {'Bernoulli': <function klucbBern>, 'Exponential': <function klucbExp>, 'Gamma': <function klucbGamma>, 'Gaussian': <function klucbGauss>, 'Poisson': <function klucbPoisson>}¶ Maps name of arms to kl functions
- Policies.Experimentals package
- Submodules
- Policies.Experimentals.BlackBoxOpt module
- Policies.Experimentals.KLempUCB module
- Policies.Experimentals.ThompsonRobust module
- Policies.Experimentals.UCBcython module
- Policies.Experimentals.UCBjulia module
- Policies.Experimentals.UCBlog10 module
- Policies.Experimentals.UCBlog10alpha module
- Policies.Experimentals.UCBoost_cython module
- Policies.Experimentals.UCBoost_faster module
- Policies.Experimentals.UCBoost_faster_cython module
- Policies.Experimentals.UCBwrong module
- Policies.Experimentals.UnsupervisedLearning module
- Policies.Experimentals.klUCBlog10 module
- Policies.Experimentals.klUCBloglog10 module
- Policies.Experimentals.setup module
- Submodules
- Policies.Posterior package
- Policies.AdBandits module
- Policies.AdSwitch module
- Policies.AdSwitchNew module
- Policies.Aggregator module
- Policies.ApproximatedFHGittins module
- Policies.BESA module
- Policies.BasePolicy module
- Policies.BaseWrapperPolicy module
- Policies.BayesUCB module
- Policies.BayesianIndexPolicy module
- Policies.BoltzmannGumbel module
- Policies.CD_UCB module
- Policies.CORRAL module
- Policies.CPUCB module
- Policies.CUSUM_UCB module
- Policies.DMED module
- Policies.DiscountedBayesianIndexPolicy module
- Policies.DiscountedThompson module
- Policies.DiscountedUCB module
- Policies.DoublingTrickWrapper module
- Policies.EmpiricalMeans module
- Policies.EpsilonGreedy module
- Policies.Exp3 module
- Policies.Exp3PlusPlus module
- Policies.Exp3R module
- Policies.Exp3S module
- Policies.ExploreThenCommit module
- Policies.FEWA module
- Policies.GLR_UCB module
- Policies.GenericAggregation module
- Policies.GreedyOracle module
- Policies.Hedge module
- Policies.IMED module
- Policies.IndexPolicy module
- Policies.LM_DSEE module
- Policies.LearnExp module
- Policies.MEGA module
- Policies.MOSS module
- Policies.MOSSAnytime module
- Policies.MOSSExperimental module
- Policies.MOSSH module
- Policies.Monitored_UCB module
- Policies.MusicalChair module
- Policies.MusicalChairNoSensing module
- Policies.OCUCB module
- Policies.OCUCBH module
- Policies.OSSB module
- Policies.OracleSequentiallyRestartPolicy module
- Policies.PHE module
- Policies.ProbabilityPursuit module
- Policies.RAWUCB module
- Policies.RCB module
- Policies.RandomizedIndexPolicy module
- Policies.SIC_MMAB module
- Policies.SWA module
- Policies.SWHash_UCB module
- Policies.SlidingWindowRestart module
- Policies.SlidingWindowUCB module
- Policies.Softmax module
- Policies.SparseUCB module
- Policies.SparseWrapper module
- Policies.SparseklUCB module
- Policies.SuccessiveElimination module
- Policies.TakeFixedArm module
- Policies.TakeRandomFixedArm module
- Policies.Thompson module
- Policies.TrekkingTSN module
- Policies.TsallisInf module
- Policies.UCB module
- Policies.UCBH module
- Policies.UCBV module
- Policies.UCBVtuned module
- Policies.UCBalpha module
- Policies.UCBdagger module
- Policies.UCBimproved module
- Policies.UCBmin module
- Policies.UCBoost module
- Policies.UCBplus module
- Policies.UCBrandomInit module
- Policies.Uniform module
- Policies.UniformOnSome module
- Policies.WrapRange module
- Policies.klUCB module
- Policies.klUCBH module
- Policies.klUCBHPlus module
- Policies.klUCBPlus module
- Policies.klUCBPlusPlus module
- Policies.klUCB_forGLR module
- Policies.klUCBloglog module
- Policies.klUCBloglog_forGLR module
- Policies.klUCBswitch module
- Policies.kullback module
- Policies.kullback_cython module
- Policies.setup module
- Policies.usenumba module
- Policies.with_proba module